#33: Who is a good boy?

John puts the new device on the wall in the corner of the room. In the pet-shop they told him to put it about two meters high. He drills the holes and screws the device to its new place. His dog comes in. The dog jumps on John’s bed. She shouldn’t do that. John presses a button on the device. The dog jumps down and curls into a ball. In a few seconds, the dog crawls to John and licks his feet and rubs his body against John’s. Then, the dog goes to her own bed. John’s cat comes into the room. As always, it jumps to the window and throws down the flower pot. As always, the cat looks at John, ready to run away. But as the new device begins to have an effect on the cat, she jumps down and begins to put the pieces of the flower pot into one place. It will not help, but this change makes John smile.
‘This device is worth all the money,’ he says to himself.
The device works on him, too. John decides to do something he should have done for months. He calls his mother.

Originally posted 2020-04-26 06:04:00.

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