#51: Special cookies for the parents

Claire is a happy mother. Her daughter, Marianne, is baking cookies. They are almost ready. The smell of sweet cookies fills the house. As Marianne takes the cookies out of the oven her father enters the kitchen. Her brother comes next. They smell the sweet cookies and want them warm. Marianne puts the cookies into a bowl. She puts the bowl onto the table. Everybody sits down at the table. They look at the lovely cookies. All of them take a cookie. After the first small bite, they put the whole cookie into their mouths. They chew the cookies and swallow them. They love the taste. There is one more cookie for each of them. They take the second cookies. They put them into their mouths as if they were afraid someone would take them from their hands. They chew the cookies and swallow them. It is Claire who starts laughing. She never laughed this way before. Her husband is the next to laugh out loud. The boy laughs out loud and gives a high-five to Marianne. They have just won the bet. Their parents said they would never ever eat cookies with cannabis. They were wrong.

Originally posted 2020-05-14 16:47:00.

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